Mind & Body

What is Verdaad?

What is Verdaad?

Verdaad is a combination of two Spanish words, Verdad (truth) and Verde (green), which represents my journey and green truth! The whole idea was inspired by a series of events in my wife and I's lives that lead to a huge decline in our health. We had been through some major health challenges for the past couple of years which was odd considering we are viewed by our friends and family as THE “health” couple.  

But, I have come to the realization that the universe sometimes puts us through our darkest moments to give birth to our greatest creations.  We started to dig deeper and began to truly understand our bodies and learn things we had never heard of before. We discovered the most brilliant solutions to our health and started closing the gaps that we felt were missing.  During this process, I discovered that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.  I have been in the health and wellness space for 15 years and I feel that now is the time to share with the world what I have been learning about the mind, the body and what it takes to heal and live an optimal life.   

There are so many people suffering from various diseases and are desperately trying to find a solution.  And then there are those that simply don’t feel like their health is where it should be and could use a tune-up.  Whichever one of these categories you fall into, I have created a platform to educate people on how to heal the body.  Hippocrates said it best, “let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”  For many years I thought this meant that using supplements was the answer but now I understand that food is the real medicine.  Although I’m not against and fully believe in supplements, I also believe that they have to be accompanied by the right foods. 

Verdaad is a community where you will learn about different foods, recipes, food pairing, healthy practices for mind and body and much more.  What you will hear about the most is our 9-day reset which is a deep liver cleanse.  I believe everything starts in the liver since this is the filter where everything our body ingests or touches is processed. Sign up for your free copy of the 9 day reset where we will show you step by step how to reset your body and start your journey to healing.